Monday, August 15, 2011

Drink of the Week: Bartenura Moscato

Moscato is probably one of the best tasting, sweetest white wines a person could drink. It has been gaining popularity because of its smooth and almost juice-like taste.

Today we are reviewing: Bartenura Moscato
5% Alc. by Volume

I Sat down and drank a couple glasses of this with Point Break's VP of Operations, Dan, and we were not disappointed at all.

Bartenura Moscato has a very rich grape taste to it that makes it the perfect apertif. If I had to recommend one type of Moscato, this would be it. It is very versatile and is a perfect to bring to a dinner or house party. The rich aroma it gives off is also distinguished and prominent compared to other types. Overall, compared to others I would say it ranks a 9.0 out of 10.

Even Rick Ross and Drake like it. And at only $12.99 a bottle, who wouldn't???

Bartenura Moscato @3:08

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